Essy Moestl


Multiply is Ending by December 1st ??

I just want to share this .. i dont know, is it true or not ??

Hello. Stefan here, writing you from Multiply HQ in Jakarta, Indonesia.

As most of you are probably aware, Multiply’s mission has evolved over the past year and a half to become the biggest and most beloved ecommerce marketplace in two very exciting markets, Indonesia and the Philippines. As our focus has shifted, we have reviewed all of our operations, and made some decisions that will affect everyone here.

From December 1st, we will unfortunately no longer be able to support Multiply in its current form – notably we will be removing the social networking and content sharing part of Multiply (photos, videos, blogs, social messaging, etc.). We have decided to discontinue providing and hosting these services, as we have concluded that other Internet sites who are committed to social networking services will do a better job serving you than we can.

For our existing users of social networking features, we will be providing easy ways for you to either download your stuff (photos, blogs, content, etc), or migrate it to other online services. We’ll announce the precise details shortly. It will be your choice whether to download, migrate or just let your content lapse (and get deleted).

For our existing ecommerce users (both buyers and sellers) in Indonesia and the Philippines, there will be no action required.

Regarding any existing Multiply Premium subscriptions we will refund any unused balance, and apologize for any inconvenience this will cause. Please contact customer service to request a refund. Note that this is for Multiply Premium, not the ecommerce related Multiply Trust product.

I am aware of how disruptive this news may be, and understand the disappointment that it may cause. Ultimately this was a business decision, critical to our to success moving forward. Instead, we are excited to pursue our own mission to give the 350 million consumers in Indonesia and the Philippines a great way to buy and sell items online. Our singular focus now is for Multiply to retain its status as a vibrant e-commerce destination in Southeast Asia in the years ahead.

I suspect that many of you will not like this news, and am sorry to have to deliver it now. I hope that you will be able to understand the reasons for our decision and thank you for being a part of the Multiply community over the past eight years.


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18 years old Kang Kyung Joon’s spirit suddenly becomes transplanted in the body of 30 years old Seo Yoon Jae. Seo Yoon Jae is a successful doctor and engaged to high school teacher Gil Da Ran. Gil Da Ran just so happens to be the teacher of 18 years old Kang Kyung Joon. Jang Ma Ri is a girl who love Kang Kyung Joon and try any effort to escape Kang Kyung Joon’s spirit from Seo Yoon Jae’s body.

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Yoguretten – Torte

2 dünne Tortenboden (Biskuit, 2-teilig), heller
2 Becher Schmand
2 Becher Schlagsahne
750 g Erdbeeren
2 Tafeln Schokoriegel (Yogurette, je 8 Riegel)
3 Pck. Sahnesteif

Die Schlagsahne schlagen. Das Sahnesteif hinzufügen und so lange schlagen, bis es eine feste Konsistenz hat. Den Schmand unterrühren. Die Erdbeeren putzen, in Würfelchen schneiden und hinzugeben. Die Yoguretten-Riegel fein hacken und zur Masse geben.

Die Hälfte der entstandenen Masse auf den ersten Biskuitboden verteilen und glatt streichen. Den zweiten Biskuitboden darauf legen und die restliche Masse darauf verteilen und glatt streichen. Den Kuchen ca. 3 Std. kalt stellen.

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Twelve Men in a Year

Mi-Roo has a boyfriend named Jin-Oh and they have lived together for one year. In fact, Jin-Oh is the only boyfriend Mi-Roo has ever had. One day, her friend Tanya tells her that Jin-Oh bought a diamond ring for her Christmas present. Ecstatic Mi-Roo goes out and buys an expensive watch for Jin-Oh in return. On Christmas Eve, Mi-Roo hands her expensive Christmas present to Jin-Oh. Jin-Oh, in return, gives her pots, fried foods and oil. He then goes to take a shower. Mi-Ro is fuming, so much so that she fries the expensive watch she bought for Jin-Oh. When Jin-Oh comes out of the bathroom he hands her the diamond ring. Mi-Roo is now completely embarrassed. An argument then ensues with the end result that Mi-Roo and Jin-Oh decides to breakup.

Mi-Roo leaves their shared apartment and stays at her friend Tanya’s apartment. Due to drinking heavily the night before, Mi-Roo wakes up late and misses an important interview. At her office, Mi-Roo’s boss chews her out for missing the interview. Her boss then orders Mi-Roo to go pickup a manuscript from Sophia, a famous sex columnist. Mi-Roo meets Sophia at a coffee shop. Sophia shows up completely covered, even with a scarf covering most of her face. Mi-Roo tells Sophia that astrology signs decides fate.

Days later, Mi-Roo is still waiting for the manuscript. When the deadline nears, Mi-Roo goes to Sophia’s house to get the manuscript herself. She sees a man about to enter her house and asks the guy where Sophia is. The man says that Sophia told him that fate isn’t decided by astrology signs, but by people and then left. Mi-Roo now realizes that she won’t get the manuscript in time and is devastated. She goes to have a drink. A lot of drinks. Back at her apartment, Mi-Roo receives a phone call from her boss. Her boss tells her that if she can’t get the manuscript from Sophia by tomorrow, she will be fired. Mi-Roo then sits in front of her computer and begins writing the column …

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I Do, I Do

Ji-An is a successful shoes designer and a director at a high-end shoe company. Even though Ji-An is in her late 30’s, she isn’t interested in marriage. The only thing Ji-An cares about is shoes and her job. Meanwhile, 20 something year old Tae-Gang dreams of becoming rich, but for now he works with his dad making imitation high-end shoes.

While Ji-An attends her father’s 70th birthday party, she receives a phone call that something is wrong with the prep work for a fashion show. Ji-An leaves the party and rushes to the fashion show, but on her way there she runs into a motorcycle driven by Tae-Gang. They have an argument over who caused the accident, but, finally, Ji-An offers to pay for the minor damages on his motorcycle if he gives her a lift to the fashion show. Tae-Gang accepts and Ji-An makes it to the show and fixes the problem.

Afterwards, Tae-Gang takes Ji-An to the hotel where her father is having his birthday celebration. When they arrive, Ji-An discovers that her parents have already left. Tae-Gang then takes her to the Seoul Station to catch her parents before they leave. Ji-An is able catch up to her parents right before they board the train. Her father complains about Ji-An leaving early and they have an argument. After her parents leave Ji-An cries on a bench. Tae-Gang follows her to get money for his motorcycle repair.

They then begin to talk and discover that they have some things in common, like not being the greatest kids to their parents. They then go to a restaurant which Tae-Gang’s friend runs. When they are about to leave, Tae-Gang tries to put her into a taxi, but she is so drunk he can’t. The next morning they find themselves laying on a bed together. They are both freaked out. Prior to leaving, they both pretend nothing happened.

Ji-An sees a doctor. The doctor warns her that she is going to experience menopause soon. Back at work, Ji-An has trouble selling shoes because of fake products. To catch the counterfeit shoemakers, she walks around a shopping area at night. There, she runs into a guy with a bag of counterfeit shoes. She’s surprised to see that the guy is Tae-Gang.

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Pangasius Roulade auf Speck-Vogerlsalat

1 kg Ikan Pangasius
Perasan Jeruk Nipis
3 sdm Senf
3 sdm Minyak
3 sdm Cuka
3 sdm Air

Daging ikan pangasius dilumuri garam & merica & sdkt perasan jeruk nipis. Gulung dan dgn bantuan tusuk gigi dijaga agar gulungan tidak terbuka.
Oven 180 derajat selama 30 menit.
Sementara itu siapkan dressing untuk salat : Senf, minyak, cuka dan air diaduk, tambahkan garam & merica sesuai selera.
Sajikan gulungan ikan di atas salat.

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Polar-Dorsch im Prosciutto-Mantel auf Rucola Salat

8 Iglo Polar-Dorsch (1 1/2 Pkg. à 400 g)
16 Scheiben Prosciutto (nicht zu dünn geschnitten)

Den Polar-Dorsch noch gefroren mit wenig Salz und Zitronensaft würzen; mit Prosciutto umwickeln.
Backrohr auf 180 °C vorheizen, Polar-Dorsch in eine beschichtete Pfanne geben und für ca. 18 Minuten ins Rohr (mittlere Schiene / Gitterrost) stellen, bis der Prosciutto knusprig ist.

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250 g Brokkoli
1 Stück Zwiebel ( gewürfelt )
1 EL Öl
Salz, Pfeffer
1/4 L Gemüsebrühe
2 EL Creme fraiche

Den Zwiebel und die Brokkoliröschen im heißen Öl andünsten, mit Salz und Pfeffer würzen, Brühe angießen und ca. 10 Minuten garen.
Ein paar Brokkoliröschen herausnehmen, restliche in der Brühe mit dem Pürierstab pürieren, dann das Creme fraîche unterrühren, gut abschmecken, die Brokkoliröschen wieder zufügen.

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Love Rain

This drama tries to depict “moments of love” through rain that is akin to love in its nature.
Love is sometimes happiness and sometimes it is sadness.
It rains in moments of happiness as well as in moments of grief.
In the rain, someone feels happiness and others cry in loneliness and old memories.
It rains equally for the lovers of the 1970s and those living in 2012.
The drama depicts happiness and sadness of just-started love as well as happiness and sadness in one’s memories and bygone love.
How about taking a break from busy daily life, hearing raindrops outside the window with your eyes closed?
This drama wants to be a resting place during our tough lives, like a flower shop girl watering beautiful flowers, a record shopkeeper who plays sweet music in the afternoon on a rainy day, or a warm-hearted restaurant grandmother who serves soup to us.
It will make us feel mental catharsis and warm comfort with beautiful love stories like a welcome rainfall.
Love has the power of attraction, excitement and magic, transcending all ages, generations and people.
As far as there exists loving people in the world, a beautiful and warm drama will continue to exist.